As TEMSA, we're here to help our customers solve any problems they encounter while they are on the road, via  Roadside Assistance and Call Centre services simultaneously. Within the scope of our customer experience approach, our roadside assistance service will be provided free of charge for specified buses within limits.

Contact us for all matters via +31 546 543 295

Terms & Conditions

  • TEMSA Bus shall mean any type of bus produced by TEMSA and sold to European countries, United Kingdom and Balkan Countries. The list may be revised, amended, or supplemented by TEMSA unilaterally.

 Mobility Package Bus Conditions

  • The cost of the mechanic, service van, driven kilometre, toll and road pricing up to 1000 €, including spare parts change (providing minor parts, to maintain the bus on the road) up to the 50 €. (Per one case)

  • If technical assistance on the spot is not technically available, or not allowed, the towing cost up to 2000 € to the nearest suitable workshop. (One towage per year)

  • If TEMSA Buses can not be repaired in place or towing service is unavailable within 3 hours, transport/ food/ drinks. (Up to the limit 500 € per one case)


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