Purchasing approach of TEMSA mainly aims to:
Establish a long-term business relationship with all our stakeholders in our supply chain based on mutual trust, cooperation and value creation in line with our maxim of law, code of conduct, quality policy and sustainable growth strategy.
In supplier selection process, we aim to:
Work with suppliers that create a fair working environment for their employees; do not discriminate against their employees based on their language, race, gender, political opinion, philosophical belief, religion, sect and other similar reasons; care about equal opportunities for women and men; arrange the working conditions of women legitimately; dignify the ideas of their employees and include them in the continuous improvement activities; protect employees' right to syndication; circumvent forced or obligatory labour; do not engage in child labour; and comply with all applicable laws and regulation related to employment and work life;
Work with suppliers that continuously improve their processes through preventive and corrective measures in the field of Occupational Health and Safety; embrace the occupational health and safety as an inseparable part of corporate culture; strive to perform better than legislative requirements by complying with all legal statute and standards; and ensure that all their employees go back home safe and sound by providing them a safe working environment;
Prioritize working with - and continuously support development of - suppliers that invest in innovative solutions, mobility and sustainable production; act respectfully towards their human resource and promote their development; go beyond being environmentally-concious by establishing systems necessary to eliminate their own negative environmental impact; and act in a socially and environmentally responsible manner;
Work with suppliers that intend to carry out their production activities without jeopardizing the needs of future generations and causing environmental pollution; and work to implement environmentally friendly technologies in terms of energy and natural resources usage and take measures for saving such sources;
Work with suppliers that set their long-term strategies by being aware of the operational and financial risks and take precautions accordingly; ensure the sustainability of competitive costs; and adopt a governance approach that makes full-time delivery, in appropriate quality and in the right amount, a sustainable process.
Our responsible procurement goals also include carrying out surveys and training activities that will expand the awareness of all our employees, who will potentially procure goods or services for our company, especially our suppliers and procurement teams, in terms social and environmental effects of our suppliers, and ensuring that these activities are promoted and mainstreamed gradually.
Our Responsible Purchasing Policy has been built upon our principles stipulated in Sabancı Holding and TEMSA Code of Conduct, TEMSA Purchasing Procedure, TEMSA Quality Procedure, TEMSA Occupational Health and Safety Policy. Believing that the responsible purchasing notion could only be secured through a responsible supply chain also embraced by our suppliers, we manage our supplier relationships within the framework of "Responsible Purchasing Policy."
Principles Temsa Suppliers Should Comply With
- We expect that all our in-house or external providers of goods and services;
- comply with the quality requirements set forth for the product category;
- work in compliance with the Sabancı Holding Code of Conduct;
- respect universal human rights such as not engaging in forced labour or child labour;
- give their employees the freedom of syndication within the scope of labour law;
- comply with the laws regarding the working conditions, remuneration, social security and occupational health and safety;
- avoid discrimination against the employees as of their recruitment;
- carry out their activities in line with the environmental legislation;
- take precautions to reduce the consumption of natural resources such as energy and water;
- take precautions to reduce waste and greenhouse gas emission;
- comply with the laws regarding the transportation of hazardous substances.
Suppliers that are found out to have been levied any fines or engaged in any non-conformities related to the aforementioned issues are requested to provide an adjustment plan for compliance with the policy.
As TEMSA, we guarantee that we will terminate our business relationship with the suppliers that do not accept the compliance process and/or perform the necessary improvements within the prescribed period.
We also undertake that we will prioritize working with the suppliers with positive social and environmental performances which are confirmed by third party institutions/external stakeholders through various ways such as awarding.
Social and Environmental Audits at Subcontractors
On-site environmental and social audits of our suppliers that work at TEMSA facilities are regularly performed and reported since the establishment of our company.